Millennials and Gen Zs are getting older this year, here’s how they can look forever young

Millennials and Gen Zs are getting older this year, here’s how they can look forever young

Here’s how to tap into the fountain of youth.

Even though there is a popular saying about how black people age gracefully, that is, black don’t crack. The reality is black can indeed crack. So, here are some ways to make sure yours doesn’t even as you age;

Ask any older person who bleached their skin, they will tell you their skin degenerated when they got older, it was saggy, multi-coloured and frail, not to mention the risk of skin diseases. So, don’t do it.

Seriously, you can’t have smooth skin if you aren’t properly hydrated plus being stress-free is a must. Stress can create lines on your face as well as pimples.

All that greasy junk food is bad for your health. Eat more fruits and fibre. The great thing is fruits have so many ingredients that we get from skincare products, and it hydrates your skin.

You really can’t escape sunscreen. Free radicals from the sun damage your skin, so keep it smooth and young by using sunscreen.

After a long day, you just lay down and sleep. Even if you don’t wanna use a cleanser and toner, wash and moisturize your face before your sleep. Dirt can cause so much acne and pimples and it’s not a good look. Plus, have clean sheets and a towel, you can’t be rubbing dirt on your skin and wonder why it’s not pooping.

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