My husband and I had thr��some with my bridesmaid on our wedding night - Woman reveals

My husband and I had thr££some with my bridesmaid on our wedding night

My husband and I had thr��some with my bridesmaid on our wedding night - Woman reveals

A British newlywed couple has revealed how they let one of their bridesmaids join them for a threesome on their wedding night.


This was revealed in a new episode of Truly’s web show “Love Don’t Judge”.

The show, which has nearly 60,000 subscribers on YouTube, features couples from all over the world who push the boundaries of society’s expectations.


My husband and I had thr��some with my bridesmaid on our wedding night - Woman reveals

My husband and I had thr��some with my bridesmaid on our wedding night - Woman reveals

Katey, 26, and her husband Dan, 25, got married in Devon, England, in September, after six years of dating.


In the episode of the show, the couple recalled discussing their sexual fantasies and making the decision to sleep with other people to fulfill their desires.

Dan told Katey he wanted to see her with another man, which left her feeling “shocked” at first.

The admission by Dan also encouraged Katey to explore her bisexuality.


My husband and I had thr��some with my bridesmaid on our wedding night - Woman reveals

This led them to explore new experiences together, including on their wedding night.

“We ended up taking one of my girlfriends up to our bedroom. We had some drinks and ended up having a threesome with her, and it was really fun,” said Katey, who identifies as bisexual.


“She’s one of my best friends, so it was very comfortable,” she added.

My husband and I had thr��some with my bridesmaid on our wedding night - Woman reveals


Dan said;

“To do it on such a special day just makes it so memorable,” he said.


The couple say they no longer experience jealousy.

At first, Katey thought it might be hard to see her partner with another woman, but she actually found it hot.

“The jealousy is kind of part of it, it makes things more exciting,” Dan explained.

Even though consensual nonmonogamy has brought Katey closer to her husband and their new friends, it has seprated them from her family.

“I think a lot of the judgment I received has been from my family. They disapproved of what I was doing and they don’t really speak to me anymore because of it,” she said.

My husband and I had thr��some with my bridesmaid on our wedding night - Woman reveals


Katey said her family didn’t attend their wedding and have labeled their amorous interactions “disgusting.”

Luckily for them, they’ve cultivated a community with others who share similar interests.


 Earlier this year, the couple featured on British TV show “Open House: The Big Sex Experiment.” The show is where they met fellow married swingers Kristy and Tom who are their friends and their bedfellows.

“It’s just a normal friendship, like any other friendship — even though we share wives and stuff,” Tom said.

Kirsty and Tom sometimes see other couples as many as four or five times a week, or they can go months without an added sexual encounter.

“I love sharing my husband,” Kirsty shared. “It’s more like a little proud moment for me.”


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