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Tonight’s “Monday Night Football” sport is a giant one for the NFL playoff picture. The Vikings, who will host the Packers in a sport scheduled to kick off at eight:15 p.m. ET on ESPN, nonetheless have an opportunity to steal the NFC North title from their rivals. Inexperienced Bay, in fact, …

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Schumer Demands All Ukraine Evidence At Impeachment Trial

As Mitch McConnell pushes a sham trial, Senate Democratic Chief Chuck Schumer is asking all Ukraine paperwork and proof at Trump’s impeachment trial. Schumer wrote in a letter to his colleagues, which he supplied to PoliticusUSA: Because the Senate prepares for the impeachment trial of President Trump, there was …

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Roadblocks across Lebanon as anger rises over Diab pick as PM

Protesters have blocked roads throughout crisis-hit Lebanon on Friday to sentence the designation of Hezbollah-backed Hassan Diab as prime minister in a divisive vote that sparked uproar amongst members of the Sunni group. Diab, a 60-year-old Sunni, was designated on Thursday with the endorsement of Shia group Hezbollah and its allies …

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