Rudy Giuliani at Trump conviction protest.

Rally To Protest Trump Felony Conviction Flops

A seemingly small crowd assembled on Staten Island, NY to protest the felony conviction of Donald Trump.

Read: The Republican Presumptive Nominee for President is A Convicted Felon

Let’s look at some videos.

Here is the one that Trump posted:

Here are some other views that are less deceptive:

Trump and his supporters have been jamming their small crowds into tiny areas. It is a virtual certainty that Trump has supporters will claim that there were thousands and thousands of his supporters there, but the reality is that comparable events in comparable spaces usually draw hundreds of people, not thousands.

Staten Island is reliably Republican area, so if a crowd was going to come out in the New York area to protest Trump’s conviction, it would be there.

Instead of being a show of strength, the Staten Island rally, which featured an appearance from Rudy Giuliani, showed the weakness of Donald Trump, and little his supporters seem to care about his conviction.

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