Rising act Ayanfe dumps school to pursue music

By Adeniyi Adewoyin


FAST-rising music act, Williams Fasae aka Ayanfe has revealed how he needed to go away college to focus on music.

Talking on dropping out of college to face the music, the singer expressed that his choice is just not a expensive one when trying on the success that has come his method.

“I received a chance and I needed to take it. Quickly individuals will begin seeing that I’ve what it takes and I’m not a fluke. Even with the numbers ‘African vibe’ has received, I’m joyful that followers are appreciating high quality music. I’m returning to high school quickly although.”

Ayanfe is signed to Davido’s DMW and Obama Music. His new single, ‘African Vibe,’ is presently doing good numbers on numerous streaming platforms.

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