Roosters star 'lucky' to avoid bin after 'careless' shot

Roosters star 'lucky' to avoid bin after 'careless' shot

The Roosters were “lucky” to not go down to 12 men in the first half of their clash with the Bulldogs after Sam Walker was put on report for a high shot.

As Jacob Kiraz made a break down the right side, the Bulldogs back stepped inside with Walker collecting him across the face.

The Roosters halfback managed to stay on the field, much to the surprise of league great Mick Ennis.

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“Lucky there I thought from Walker, especially leaving the ground making direct contact high, not a lot of force in it, but it was careless,” he said on Fox League.

Sam Walker’s high shot on Jacob Kiraz.  Fox League

The Roosters were first to put points on the board at Gosford after Jake Turpin was penalised for an escort. Walker went ahead and kicked the penalty to make it 2-0 after five minutes.

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Canterbury hit back to score first with Kiraz and Jeral Skelton combining on the right edge at halfway for a line break. Jaeman Salmon then pushed up in support to score.

In the 21st minute, the Roosters were back in the lead as Dominic Young went over in the corner.

The Tricolours were in again with six minutes to go in the first half with Walker putting in a clever grubber as Nat Butcher finished it off.

Walker set up another two tries, with Terrell May diving on one of the halfback’s kicks after the half time.

Skelton’s stellar performance continued for the Bulldogs as the centre powered 90 metres to put the visitors back on the board in the 46th minute to make it 20-8.

The Roosters then hit back through Blake Steep with the score not changing from 26-8.

In the 73rd minute Junior Pauga was sent off for smashing Connor Tracey in the head with a swinging arm.

Sam Walker followed later, leaving the Roosters with 11 on 13. The halfback was given marching orders with two minutes remaining on the clock after spinning Viliame Kikau by the foot after the tackle was completed. Ultimately, his side were able to hold on and not concede despite the numbers disadvantage.

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