Tag Archives: Biology

Biodiversity Meet Suggests New Guidelines on Synthetic Biology Amid Persisting Questions

Biodiversity Meet Suggests New Guidelines on Synthetic Biology Amid Persisting Questions

SBSTTA 26 Chair Senka Barudanovi?, Bosnia and Herzegovina, conferring with the Secretariat. Credit: IISD/ENB | Mike Muzurakis by Stella Paul (nairobi) Monday, May 20, 2024 Inter Press Service NAIROBI, May 20 (IPS) – After a week-long discussion by delegates from 196 countries, the 26th meeting of the Subsidiary Body of Scientific, …

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Marxist Biology Teacher Tells Students Cells Are Part of ‘Capitalist Indoctrination’, Wants Them to ‘Have no Respect For Authority’

Marxist Biology Teacher Tells Students Cells Are Part of 'Capitalist Indoctrination', Wants Them to 'Have no Respect For Authority'

Meet Mandi Jung, a Highland Park Middle School biology teacher in Minneapolis who teaches a different type of science class. Well, there doesn’t seem to be much science involved, but if your kid is interested in becoming a Antifa revolutionary, odds are they’re more likely to make Molotov cocktails instead …

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