Tag Archives: House

Kelly Clarkson says a strange man keeps showing up at her house, files police report

Kelly Clarkson says a strange man keeps showing up at her house, files police report

Singer and TV personality, Kelly Clarkson has filed a police report over a strange man who keeps showing up at her house, trespassing on her property, and leaving her unwanted gifts.   It was gathered that this repeatedly happened in the last month and the same man has been popping up at Kelly’s Los Angeles home, going …

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Meet Hakeem Jeffries, the Democrats’ Far-Left Choice to Succeed Pelosi as House Leader

Meet Hakeem Jeffries, the Democrats' Far-Left Choice to Succeed Pelosi as House Leader

House Democrats on Wednesday elected the heirs apparent to the Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, James Clyburn era. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) will succeed Pelosi as House Democrat Leader. In addition to Jeffries, Reps. Katherine Clark (D-MA) will be the new Democrat Whip, and Pete Aguilar (D-CA) will become the new …

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