Tag Archives: risk

Risk of leak at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant: Operator

Risk of leak at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant: Operator

Authorities have distributed iodine tablets to residents who live near the nuclear plant in case of a radioactive leak. Ukraine’s state energy operator said there is a risk of radioactive leakage at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, which is Europe’s largest nuclear facility and currently under occupation by Russian troops. …

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Footballer, Benjamin Mendy’s accuser ‘told police she wanted to sue Man City because they let him continue to play and put other girls at risk,’ court hears

Footballer, Benjamin Mendy

The victim of an alleged sex attack by football star Benjamin Mendy wanted to sue his club Manchester City because ‘they let a predator continue to play and put other girls at risk,’ a court heard.    She told a police officer after reporting her allegations: ‘Let him play, I …

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Breastfeeding reduces risk of breast cancer, hypertension – Nutritionist

Breastfeeding reduces risk of breast cancer, hypertension – Nutritionist

According to him, it also decreases the risk of ovarian cancer, postpartum depression, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and type-2 diabetes mellitus. He explained that infants who were breastfed, had a decreased risk of atopic dermatitis and gastroenteritis and possessed a higher IQ later in life. “Breastfeeding as we know plays an …

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Holiday weekend in the U.S. resembles prepandemic times, as experts and the White House remain wary of virus risk.

Holiday weekend in the U.S. resembles prepandemic times, as experts and the White House remain wary of virus risk.

Memorial Day has long been understood as the unofficial start of the U.S. summer, but during the pandemic, it has also come with canceled events, bans on large gatherings and news of lagging vaccination rates. This holiday weekend, however, during one of the country’s traditionally busiest travel periods, more than …

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