Tag Archives: Trump

Democrats express concern about threats and violence in the Pennsylvania county where Trump is holding his rally.

Democratic officials in Westmoreland County, Pa., where former President Donald J. Trump is speaking on Saturday, said they had seen an uptick in disturbing incidents targeting Democrats in the past year. Westmoreland County, the populous area east of Pittsburgh, was once a Democratic-leaning enclave, but it has turned decisively red …

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Report: DeSantis Privately Told Donors His Decision on Challenging Trump in 2024

Report: DeSantis Privately Told Donors His Decision on Challenging Trump in 2024

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is reportedly telling donors he will not challenge Donald Trump for the GOP nomination for President in 2024. This is according to a report by Vanity Fair writer Gabriel Sherman. Sherman cites four “prominent Republicans” as sources indicating DeSantis has been telling donors he is “reconsidering” …

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Latest Democrat Scare Tactic: Biden Calls DeSantis ‘Trump Incarnate’ At Florida Rally

Latest Democrat Scare Tactic: Biden Calls DeSantis 'Trump Incarnate' At Florida Rally

With the 2022 midterm election just days away, President Joe Biden made a campaign stop in Florida on Tuesday for gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist. There, he unveiled his latest scare tactic: compare GOP candidates to former President Donald Trump. Actually it’s more than that – some Republicans are even worse …

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“A Terrible thing? – Donald Trump condemns the hammer attack against Nancy Pelosi’s husband while his son tweets jokes about the attack

"A Terrible thing? - Donald Trump condemns the hammer attack against Nancy Pelosi's husband while his son tweets jokes about the attack

Former US President Donald Trump has surprisingly condemned the violence that targeted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, while his namesake son tweeted tasteless jokes about the hammer attack on Paul Pelosi. Trump’s statement on Monday October 31, comes as a surprise due to the fact that he and Pelosi have never …

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Unhinged Trump Claims Hispanics With Vote GOP Because He Stole Classified Documents


Trump is claiming that because the FBI moved to recover classified documents that he stole, Hispanics will vote Republican in the midterm. Video: Trump claims the recovery of stolen docs from Mar-a-Lago will cause Hispanics to vote Republican: “People were disgusted by it. Hispanics saw that and said, that’s what …

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