Tag Archives: Trump

TV Networks Refused To Carry Biden’s Speech Because It Criticized Trump And Republicans

TV Networks Refused To Carry Biden’s Speech Because It Criticized Trump And Republicans

The broadcast networks considered Biden’s call for the nation to unite and save democracy political because it criticized Republicans who are attempting to destroy democracy. Via: The Washington Post:  While President Biden warned the nation about threats to democracy in a prime-time address on Thursday, ABC was airing a game …

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Trump Has Perfect Response To Biden’s ‘Enemies of the State’ Speech Attacking MAGA Republicans: ‘He Must Be Insane’

Trump Has Perfect Response To Biden's 'Enemies of the State' Speech Attacking MAGA Republicans: 'He Must Be Insane'

Former President Donald Trump responded to Joe Biden’s speech Thursday night in which he vilified “MAGA Republicans” as extremists and a “threat to this country.” Biden’s speech had all the elements of an authoritarian production as he continued to divide the nation by portraying Republican voters who support Trump as …

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