Tag Archives: vagina

Here are 3 main reasons your vagina is dry and some natural ways to solve it

Here are 3 main reasons your vagina is dry and some natural ways to solve it

Here are three common causes of vaginal dryness and strategies, including dietary adjustments, to help alleviate it: Cause: Hormonal fluctuations, particularly a decrease in estrogen levels, are a primary cause of vaginal dryness. This is common during menopause, after childbirth, and while breastfeeding. Solution: Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can be …

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Myth or truth: Can drinking soaked groundnut water tighten your vagina?

Myth or truth: Can drinking soaked groundnut water tighten your vagina?

Vaginal tightness is primarily influenced by factors such as genetics, age, hormonal changes, childbirth, and muscle tone. Kegel exercises, which target the pelvic floor muscles, are often recommended to help improve vaginal muscle tone and can be beneficial for some individuals. However, these exercises involve muscle strengthening, not dietary changes. …

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Vagina hygiene you must teach your teenage girl!

Vagina hygiene you must teach your teenage girl!

Empowering your teenage girl with accurate information and fostering open communication and providing practical guidance is a pivotal part of the parent-teenage relationship. With a commitment to promoting health and self-care, here are fundamental vaginal hygiene tips that every teenage girl should embrace; 1. Gentle cleansing; embrace mild cleansers Introducing …

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