Why I am anxious about clocking 60, by RMD | The Nation Nigeria

Why I am anxious about clocking 60, by RMD | The Nation Nigeria

By Olaitan Ganiu

Few hours to clocking 60, veteran actor Richard Mofe-Damijo (RMD) has disclosed he is nervous because his parents didn’t attain the age.

RMD clocks 60 on July 6. According to Wikipedia, the actor was born on July 6, 1961.

In a recent interview with Chudeity on Instagram, the thespian revealed there has been a specter of death around his life since last year.

“None of my dad and mom lived to be 60, so life for me is nearly to get began. There’s been a specter of death around my life, that’s what I’ve been dealing with last year till this year.

“When I turned 59, it was a big deal for me, a big deal for me! My mom died at 59, my father died at 57/58,” he said.

Continuing the former Delta Commissioner for Culture and Tourism, said: “So, it was like, can I break it? When people see me and I go on a weight loss, people think that… you know, it’s health.

“My parents were diabetic and hypertensive, I don’t want to be that. I don’t want to be diabetic and hypertensive, I want to be healthier.

“At least give me a fighting chance to change that whole cycle. Yes, I’m a Christian now, so I’ve broken that yoke but I have to also help myself.

“Becoming 60 for me is even a bigger deal, so when July comes and I become 60. You know how the Bible says old things have passed away, I will truly become a new man because that is when I’ll make a bucket list.

“So all these things that you think I’ve achieved or done, for me it’s nothing, like zero.

“So I’m going to now sit down when I’m 60 and do a bucket list … and then we’ll start.”

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