A clingy man was launched from the bonnet of a car after he gripped to his ex’s vehicle when she dumped him.
The driver, who preferred not to be identified, said she was approached by her ex at her workplace after he refused to accept the end of the relationship.
When she got into the car to try to return home, the woman was surprised to realise that her ex refused to get off the car.
Videos show her speeding down a carriageway before she spins out of control and hits a central reservation, sending her ex flying onto the highway.
Police said he miraculously only suffered minor injuries.

The incident took place on Monday morning, November 4, on the Anhanguera Highway, in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
The girlfriend told Brazilian media: “He went there to talk, to rekindle our relationship, and I was in my car. And I said I didn’t want to talk, he started threatening me. […] up there he threatened me in several ways.
“And there was a time when he blocked my view of where I was, on the right side. That’s when I lost my balance, because he said he was going to kill me, and that’s when this whole accident happened.”
Watch the video below.
São Paulo
Homem arremessado de capô de carro em movimento é ex de motoristaO ex-casal teve uma discussão no hipermercado onde a motorista trabalha.
Lá, o homem ficou abalado emocionalmente e subiu no capô do carro
— Não FOI ACIDENTE (@OficialNFA) November 4, 2024