Women str!p and flog alleged side chick for dating their friend’s husband

Women str!p and flog alleged side chick for dating their friend

A viral video showing a v!olent att@ck on a woman alleged to be the mistress of a married man has triggered widespread outrage in Zimbabwe. 


In the footage, an unidentified woman, along with her friends, is seen merc!lessly b3ating and str!.pping the alleged mistress, referred to locally as a “small house,” while ignoring her desperate pleas for mercy.


The video, shared by @crimewatchzw on social media, shows the woman and her friends using a hose pipe and a stick to [email protected] the victim. One of the attackers holds her legs to prevent any escape, while the others take turns hitting her. The attackers also warn her against reporting the assault to the police. The footage has shocked viewers due to its violent content and the humiliation inflicted on the victim, whose private areas were visible throughout the assault.


Public reactions have been swift and intense, with Zimbabweans calling on the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) to take immediate action against the perpetrators. Many have condemned the incident, urging authorities to pursue justice and set a strong precedent against vigilante acts of violence.


The ZRP has yet to release an official statement on the matter, but public pressure continues to mount for arrests and swift legal action.



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