3 easy ways to create the winged eyes look

3 easy ways to create the winged eyes look

When it comes to eye makeup, winged eyeliners are the perfect way to elevate your look and make your eyes pop.

There are three types of eyeliners; there is pencil, gel, and liquid. They have their disadvantage and advantages. Liquid and gel liners appear bolder, but they are quite messy if you are not an expert. If you are a beginner, you should use pencil eyeliners, though it is more subtle.

Some people like to make the wings of the eyeliner long, while others make their short. Anyways, just do what fits you and your face better.

If you are not an expert makeup artist, drawing these winged eyeliners can be tricky but, I have a bag of tricks that can make this process easier.

A winged eyeliner brush helps you to draw a perfect angle because of how sharp its wings are.

Deep the brush in water and get it wet, then dip the brush in the eyeliner pot. Start with the outer edge of your eyes and then continue to create the upper curve of the wing.

A little dramatic but, it works like magic. Cut a tape and stick it around the outer edge of your eyes in the eyeliner angle you want.

Use your eyeliner to trace along the outline of the eyes. Trace along the angled edge with your eyeliner to draw the wing using the outlines of the tape as guidance.

Remove the tape and, your eyeliner is ready.

Yes, you can put your cards to good use. Hold your debit and credit card underneath the other corner of your eyes and trace your way to the perfect eyeliner.

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