
The Guardian view on rising poverty levels: political attacks on the poor have produced penury | Editorial

The Guardian view on rising poverty levels: political attacks on the poor have produced penury | Editorial

Poverty is a political choice – one that Conservative governments have much to answer for. Since 2010, Tory administrations have chosen to have a significant percentage of our population impoverished, including, especially, our country’s children. The Child Poverty Action Group’s analysis of official data last week showed that a third …

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Government failing targets to fix UK railway system, watchdog reports

Government failing targets to fix UK railway system, watchdog reports

Government plans to overhaul the country’s ailing railway system are significantly delayed while promised savings have yet to be achieved, according to a highly critical report by the government’s spending watchdog. The National Audit Office (NAO) assessment of how ministers’ plans were progressing found the government had failed to meet …

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