4 Best Ayurvedic Remedies To Reverse Post Pregnancy Hair Fall

4 Best Ayurvedic Remedies To Reverse Post Pregnancy Hair Fall

Motherhood is perhaps the greatest blessing on earth. The journey of nine months teaches you a lot. Along with the unearthly experience of a life growing inside, you get to experience tumulus period of morning sickness, untimely food cravings and series of hormonal changes in your body.

These issues seem to subside as you progress in your pre-partum journey. As your baby sees the light of the day, it is the time for a new set of transformations in your body. Post-partum hair loss is the most common issue during this time. 

During pregnancy, the blood volume of your body goes up by almost 50%. Also, the levels of certain hormones increase drastically. Combination of these reduces hair fall even below the normal limit. Naturally, the hair becomes thick and luscious. Sadly, the pregnancy hair is not here to stay.

Within 24 hours of delivery, the hormone levels start coming back to their normal level and that’s when the nightmarish post-partum hair loss starts. For some, the hair loss period lasts weeks while some might face months of vigorous hair fall. As per the reports, the limit of hair loss might reach 300 strands or even more! 

Unlike normal hair loss, post-partum hair loss cannot be treated with hair loss medicines. These treatments have certain side effects. As a lactating mommy, you can’t expose your infant to such nasty chemicals for anything. Are you in the middle of heavy hair loss after delivery? Here’s our 100% side-effect free ayurvedic remedies that will definitely cure the bad bout of post-partum hair loss.

Mother Sparsh Dashmool Hair Lep

Being a new mother is extremely tiresome and time consuming. Taking care of your falling hair with mixing and gathering kitchen ingredients is not at all feasible at this time. You can still reap the same result from Mother Sparsh Dushmool Hair Lep.

This amazing hair mask is a clever blend of 10 potent ayurvedic hair fall remedies Methi, Tejpatra, Triphala, Tulsi, Shikakai, Mulethi, Brahmi, Bakuchi, Curry Leaf, Japa, and Dashamoola. This ancient recipe is an ancestral gem that has been passed down through the generations.

The key ingredients of this adds life to your thinning hair, reduces hair loss, restores its original volume and strength. The formula is completely free from nasty chemicals and preservatives. Great product for lactating moms, isn’t it!

Why should You Include Mother Sparsh Dushmool Hair Lep in Your Post-partum Hair Care?

1. Ingredients such as Fenugreek, Triphala, Tejpatra, Liquorice and Dashmool supplies vital nutrients to your scalp and hair shafts, reverses the effects of hormonal fluctuations causing post-partum hair loss.

2. Curry leaves, Triphala, Brahmi, Tulsi, Bakuchi in Mother Sparsh Dushmool Hair Lep brings down premature greying and body stress related hair loss, two major hair ailments of new mothers.

3. Dandruff and scalp itching can be quite severe during the lactation period. These can also cause major hair loss. Mother Sparsh Dushmool Hair Lep provides lustre and volume, reduces fungal scalp infections and dandruff.

How to Use Mother Sparsh Dushmool Hair Lep?

The usage is super quick and easy with this hair pack. You just have to scoop out some product as per your hair’s thickness and length. Mix sour curd, water or milk to make a smooth paste. Apply to your hair concentrating on the scalp.

Wait for 20-25 minutes and wash off with a gentle cleanser. Mother Sparsh offers a wide range of ayurvedic and chemical free hair washes. You get a lot of options as per your hair type. The entire process won’t need more than 1 hour of your precious time!

2. Hot Oil Scalp Massage

Along with hair mask, oiling your hair at regular intervals increase blood circulation of your scalp and aids in reduction of hair loss. As per the ancient Ayurveda, coconut oil, castor oil, amla oil and bhringraj oils pose great benefits for hair growth.

Make it a point to do a 15-minute hair massage with natural hair oils at least 1-2 times a week. This will strengthen the hair strands, prevent hair fall, provide nourishment and also improve the sleep pattern. This is a must for new mommies having post-partum blues!

3. Bhringraj-Coconut Milk Anti-hairfall Pack

Bhringraj is one of the best hair fall remedy from the books of ancient Ayurveda. Bhringraj leaves and flower extract contains natural hair retainer. It is also a great source of nourishment. Coconut milk on the other hand is a powerhouse of plant based fatty acids that diminishes dryness.

If you have severely damaged hair along with intense hair fall, you may apply the mixture of fresh coconut milk and bhringraj extract before hair wash. Both the ingredients are ayurvedic and won’t cause adversities for lactating mothers.

4. Amla-Shikakai Volumizing Hair Wash

When you are having hair loss post pregnancy, using chemical shampoos in every wash might not be a clever way of hair care. Prepare your own Ayurvedic hair wash powder at home with amla or Indian gooseberry and soapnut or shikakai. Sundry amla and shikakai pods and prepare a fine powder out of them.

Mix the two and keep in an air-tight container. Take two tablespoon out of it and mix with water to form even paste. Use this to wash your hair and see the change yourself. It will cleanse product buildup from the scalp, wash off grimes and bring volume to your precious mane.

The Takeaway

If you are facing tremendous hair loss even after weeks or months of delivery, it is time to take some measures to prevent going bald altogether. Instead of using chemical laden hair fall solutions, try side effect free ayurvedic hair remedies. Mother Sparsh Dushmool Hair Lep is one of the best hair packs to include in your hair care routine.

Made out of 10 most precious ayurvedic herbs Methi, Tejpatra, Triphala, Tulsi, Shikakai, Mulethi, Brahmi, Bakuchi, Curry Leaf, Japa, and Dashamoola, this Hair Lep is an all-in-one solution to all your hair worries. It not only controls hair loss but also provides nourishment, relief from pre-mature greying and scalp inflammation.

Apply once a week with water or milk for best results. You may also do a deep hot oil massage before this pack to enhance the effects.

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