4 natural ways to get rid of whiteheads on the nose

4 natural ways to get rid of whiteheads on the nose

Here are 4 natural ways to get rid of whiteheads on the nose

Lemon contains citric acid, this helps in drying out the excess oil on your skin which leads to whiteheads in the first place. Just use raw lemon juice or mix it with water if you have sensitive skin. Use a cotton ball to apply the juice to your nose, and wash it off after 10-15 minutes

Aloe Vera is one of the best natural remedies for whiteheads too. Apply some aloe vera gel directly from the leaf onto your nose, to provide more moisture to your skin. It will unclog the pores and leave your skin feeling much smoother.

Tomato is very good for your skin and is used for curing various problems. Make a paste using tomato by mashing it and add lemon juice to it. Apply this paste on your nose and wait for about half an hour. Wash it off with warm water and splash cold water to close the pores.

Facial steam encourages pugged pores to open up. A person affected by whiteheads can try boiling some water, putting it in a bowl, and then holding the affected area of their body over the bowl. In the case of the head and neck area, they can create a steam tent by putting a towel over their head, to concentrate the steam onto their upper body.

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