5 common foods that reduce your risk of getting cancer (men will love number 4).

5 common foods that reduce your risk of getting cancer (men will love number 4).

According to the World Health Organization, Cancer develops when abnormal cells grow out of control and begin to invade other parts and organs of the body.

With cancer being a leading cause of mortality worldwide, it has everyone worried and (or) concerned, and rightfully so. However, you can allay your fears now. These 5 foods can reduce your risk of cancer.

Have you ever wondered where the name “Carrot” came from? If you think it’s because they are rich in carotenoids, you’re wrong, but that doesn’t matter.

The good news is studies have shown that these carotenoids have the potential to reduce the growth of cancerous cells. For instance, a study published by Hossein Fallahzadeh and others revealed that eating more carrots reduced the risk of gastric cancer.

So yes, eat more carrots! You might also want to add the next food on the list.

If you’re not a fan of beans (why wouldn’t you be?), You’re probably screaming “ewww” right now. But I’ll have you know that According to The Bean Institute (I bet you’ve never heard of that before), “Beans are a natural source of antioxidants and phytochemicals, and research shows that regular bean consumption may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, including colorectal, breast, and prostate.”

I love beans so much, I danced when I read this. I mean, why wouldn’t you love beans? How can you not even love beans? Beans is good for you and then it tastes so good it… Ok I’ll stop there before I become a beans advocate.

Let’s move on to the next food, I’m sure you’d love that one.

I can see the orange lovers jumping up already but hold on, we’re laying emphasis on grapes today.

The antioxidant resveratrol is abundant in grapes. Resveratrol has been shown in studies to have the potential to prevent cancer in the breast, liver, stomach, and lymphatic system.

If you can’t lay your hands on grapes, other citrus fruits like lemons, limes and oranges get the job done. A study published by Jong-Myon Bae and others showed that eating more citrus fruits can protect you against stomach cancer.

Hence the verdict is, eat more fruits. You should also increase your intake of this next food.

Have you ever wondered why tomatoes are red? Well, it’s because of something called lycopene. And guess what!

A higher intake of lycopene and tomatoes has been linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer in several studies.

A study published by Edward Giovannucci and others showed that Tomato products are linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer when consumed frequently.

So men, you know what to do, stack up those tomatoes!

Yes, I know, Garlic breath is horrible. And it’s not just the breath, even your hands and clothes start to smell odiously.

However, a slew of research show that garlic and its allyl sulfur components are powerful cancer inhibitors.

In fact, an increase in garlic consumption was linked to a lower incidence of prostate cancer in a study of 471 males conducted by Ann W Hsing and colleagues.

So brothers, you might want to endure the bad breath if you can. But if you find garlic very repulsive, you could try the other four foods we discussed.

Funmi is a Writer, Thinker and Marketing buff. Like Mark Manson, he hopes to give life advice that doesn’t suck.

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