5 health risks of excessive masturbation on your body

5 health risks of excessive masturbation on your body

It occurs among people of all backgrounds, genders, and races.

Despite the myths, there are actually no physically harmful side effects of masturbation. However, excessive masturbation can negatively impact your relationships and everyday life. Other than that, masturbation is a fun, normal, and healthy act.

Pulse.com.gh brings you the excessive masturbation on your body.

Excessive masturbation results in the release of excessive dopamine in the brain. Hence, it results in memory loss.

Excessive masturbation is associated with premature ejaculation too. Men find it extremely hard to control the release of sperm if they masturbate a lot.

Yes, excessive masturbation causes hair loss in men. Do you masturbate more than 5 times in a week? You’ve finally got the reason for your hair fall.

This is linked with the above-mentioned point of premature ejaculation. As too much masturbation dampens the pleasure, it hence has the capacity to destroy your sex life completely.

Masturbating needs a lot of energy. Increased weakness is an output of excessive masturbation. As blood flows to our genitals we lose blood for producing the sperm we just masturbated.

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