5 reasons women should go bald

5 reasons women should go bald

Once you go bald, you may never go back.

Women! Here are five reasons you need to shave your hair, all of it.

Believe it or not, a woman with clean shaven hair commands a lot of attention. People wonder who she is and why her hair is cut so short. She stands out.

Have you checked out the price of a human hair wigs? You would have to ask yourself, why do you even need hair? Plus, you spend zero amount of money on hair maintenance.

You won’t even have to run a comb throughout your hair. There is zero maintenance involved.

Well, except when the hot sun is burning your scalp, you hair is not held down by any braids or locks. You can always wear a scalp or hat to protect your hair from the sun.

If you want to have healthier hair, the best way is to cut it all off and start growing healthy hair from scratch.

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