5 tips to stop drooling in your sleep

5 tips to stop drooling in your sleep

Do you ever find yourself waking up to a soaked pillow after drooling all night?

Excessive drooling can be an inconvenience and, at times, an embarrassment.

Whether it’s a result of a medical condition or a habitual tendency, finding effective ways to manage drooling can help for a more comfortable night rest and even more confidence.

Incase you’re wondering, here are some practical tips to help you put an end to excessive drooling;

Drinking enough water during the day can help reduce drooling. This is because dehydration can lead to increased saliva production as the body tries to compensate.

Proper hydration that is, drinking enough water during the day can help maintain a balance and hence, reduce drooling while you sleep.

The use of the right pillows can also help reduce drooling. Depending on how you sleep, propping up your head with the right pillow can help minimise the chances of drooling in your sleep.

Regular brushing, flossing, and using an antiseptic mouthwash can help control excessive saliva production. Keeping your mouth clean reduces the chances of irritation and encourages proper saliva flow.

Certain foods and drinks, such as spicy foods and caffeine, can trigger increased saliva production. Identifying and limiting these triggers can manage drooling more effectively.

Switching your sleeping position can also help manage drooling. Drooling for the most part follows the law of gravity. Hence, sleeping on your back at night reduces the chances of drooling.

If you usually sleep on your side or your stomach, switching to your back might help stop you from drooling.

There you have it, five ways to help control drooling. There is also an option of paying a visit to the doctor if drooling becomes a serious concern.

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