7 Mistakes You Must Avoid Making In The Kitchen

Kitchen - Olive Oil

Gas cookers are used in homes worldwide because of their effectiveness. But some people do not take precaution when using gas cookers. These are some safety tips every woman must keep in mind.

1. Making use of your phone in the kitchen

Most people are fond of their phones, especially the women. Some go as far as taking the phone to the toilet. Making use of your phone in the kitchen is not a good idea. According to research, picking your calls beside the gas cylinder can cause an explosion

2. Putting an explosive beside the cylinder

Avoid putting an explosive close to the cylinder. This is another mistake that should never occur. Avoid putting kerosene, fireworks, fuel, etc anywhere close to your gas cylinder.

3. Shaking the cylinder

This act is common in most homes. We are all guilty of this. It is wrong to shake the cylinder in the process of checking if there is still gas in it. This act can cause an explosion.

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