7 things you should avoid while trying to lose weight

7 things you should avoid while trying to lose weight

There are quite a number of reasons why you may not be losing weight or as much as you feel you should lose, despite the fact that you work out a lot. Sometimes, there are some things in your diet slowing down the process. This article contains a list of some things that should not be in your diet if you are on the weight loss journey. While some of these things need to be eliminated, some cannot and should be consumed sparsely.

Many beverages like soda and fruit juices are very high in added sugar and contain no nutrients. They only add excess sugar and calorie to your diet.

They are very high in calories and added sugar and contain little or no protein and fiber to fill you up. You may not necessarily have to give up alcohol completely, but it should be taken occasionally and in moderation.

They are generally high in calories, salt, and unhealthful fats. They are also not very high in protein and fiber so they do not make you feel full for long.

They are high in added sugar including fructose which increases your appetite and makes you eat more. They also contain trans fats which increase the risk of obesity. In your weight loss journey, avoid baked goods like cookies, and pastries.

Refined carbohydrates such as bread, rice create a surge in insulin that drives down your metabolism rate.

The sodium in salt causes water retention in your body which makes you feel bloated. It can also cause serious damage to your blood pressure when consumed in excess. Salt should be reduced to the barest minimum.

Cereals are advertised as healthy and nutritious, they are not as healthy as they seem because they have undergone multiple manufacturing processes and lose a lot of their nutritional value in the process. They also contain added sugar and artificial flavorings.

These are just some of the foods you need to avoid to make your weight loss journey smoother. You can replace these foods with a lot of eggs, green vegetables, fresh fish, fruits, and whole grains. They are more beneficial to your health.

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