7 worrying things about your newborn baby that are totally normal

7 worrying things about your newborn baby that are totally normal

However, it’s important to know that what might seem strange is often completely normal among newborns.

Here are some of the unusual things your baby may do;

Have you noticed your baby suddenly jerking their arms and legs as if startled? This is the Moro reflex, an instinctual response that arises from your baby’s developing nervous system. It is entirely normal and tends to disappear after a few months as their motor skills mature.

While nursing or seeking comfort, your baby may turn their head and open their mouth when you stroke their cheek or chin. This is called the rooting reflex, designed to help them find their food source easily.

Frequent hiccups are a common occurrence in newborns, leaving parents baffled at times.

However, these adorable hiccups are just a result of their developing diaphragm and digestive system adjusting to life outside the womb. You can be assured that hiccups do not pose any harm to your baby.

If you’re concerned about your newborn’s occasional crossed eyes, there’s no need to worry. This is a common occurrence as their eye muscles develop.

As their vision improves, the crossing will naturally disappear, and their eyes will align perfectly.

Sometimes you may notice your baby moving their arms and legs around without an apparent cause. These movements are actually your baby’s way of discovering their newfound freedom and building up their muscles.

These little acrobatics are a sign of a healthy and active baby, so enjoy watching them!

Newborns often sneeze and snort as they adjust to the world around them. These reflexes help clear their airways of any amniotic fluid or foreign particles.

As your baby’s respiratory system matures, these sneezing episodes will lessen.

Surprised by the tiny red bumps on your baby’s face?. Baby acne is a common occurrence due to maternal hormones passed to the baby during pregnancy. This is a temporary condition and requires no treatment, as it naturally fades away with time.

As a new parent, you may be surprised by some of these behaviours your newborn exhibits. However, you can be rest assured that these rather strange behaviours are entirely normal and indicate healthy development.

From the Moro reflex to baby acne, each quirk plays a vital role in your baby’s growth. Embrace and enjoy these adorable quirks as you witness your baby’s miraculous growth.

But if you experience unusual reactions or have a gut feeling that something isn’t right, don’t hesitate to seek medical help.

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