These movies will surely make you cry

These movies will surely make you cry

Some of these movies will make you question the fairness of life and the world around you. While some of these movies will make you want to reach out to your loved ones, others will make you want to stay in bed all day with your tissue close to you.

Although this movie will make you laugh, it will also make you feel for the character; Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks). You begin to question the nature of people and why they are unnecessarily wicked.

A number of painful deaths here and there will make you shed tears sooner than you expect.

In this movie, There’s is constant pressure on you as the audience and you are forced to resonate with Will Smith‘s character (Chris Gadner). You follow him through his travails and want him to get his big break so badly.

Fortunately, the whole movie is ultimately about overcoming adversity. But, when things do work out, you’d have exhausted a few boxes of tissues.

This three hours epic film will do nothing but throw you into a sinking ship of emotions. It’s a story of love and sacrifice. Imagine what happens when two lovers who had just found themselves have to lose themselves again, but this time, permanently. With one to the claws of death.

This is a romance story between the two teen cystic fibrosis patients at the center of this movie: People living with CF who can’t be within six feet of each other due to the risk of passing on a potentially deadly infection.

You know how it feels when you love someone and you can’t even get close to them, right? If you don’t, this movie will make you understand the struggle.

The movie guarantees premium tears from the opening.

It tells the story of a young girl genetically made to match and save her cancer-stricken sister. The movie is interesting but also promises tears, tears, Premium. Hot. Tears.

This movie is told from the eyes of a puppy who has to witness the lead characters go through hardships from difficult career decisions to a cancer battle. You are definitely a man of war if you don’t shed tears seeing this film.

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