4 easy tips to gain weight

4 easy tips to gain weight

For some people, gaining weight is as difficult as losing weight. Skinny people are not lucky as people think. They would also like to gain weight and become healthier and rounder.

Here are a few ways to gain weight.

Sometimes you are not gaining weight because you do not eat enough food. You can gain weight by increasing the proportion of food you take. Double your portions.

I was speaking to a friend about how she gained weight and she mentioned how she ate a lot of pounded yam almost every weekend. If you want to lose weight you cut down on carbs. If you want to gain weight, you should do the opposite.

This does not mean you should eat unhealthily. You should cut down on the things that are bad for your health like butter and replace it with a healthy alternative like avocados. Avocados are great for weight gain.

One food that helps with weight gain is whole grain bread.

Also try spaghetti with freshly made sauce (Tomatoes, onions, and pepper, carrots, green peas), yam (fried and boiled) and eggs, and rice.

Another reason why it might look like you are not gaining any weight is because you are not resting enough. Both mentally and physically. Sleep more and relax your mind. If there are too many things on your plate, try to take a vacation. I know this point might not be too possible, because adulthood is not a ball in the park but it is good to put it out there. Relaxation helps with weight gain.

Tiger nut has immense benefits almost innumerable. Another great thing this fruit can also do is cause an increase in weight. Drink up and watch yourself get fatter.

Weight gain depends on a variety of things like genetics and metabolism but if you want to gain weight you cannot leave it up to these factors. If you have issues with having a good appetite eat a lot of fruits or take multi-vitamins. Whatever you do be intentional about gaining weight.

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