4 common foods to avoid if you have Asthma

4 common foods to avoid if you have Asthma

Asthma happens when the lining of the airways become inflamed and it could be deadly, these foods are major triggers for the disease.

Not every asthma comes severe (although it’s a condition that should be given proper attention to)there are mild cases that occur once in a long while and the more serious cases that happen often and unannounced, those should be given immediate attention.

Asthma presents symptoms like tight chest, shortness of breath, persistent cough, wheezing and more and a lot of things trigger it including weather, dust and food.

For food these ones are to be avoided as much as possible:

The sulfites these food contains makes breathing difficult which could set up a bad reaction.

Frozen shrimps are no nos for people with asthma as the preservative/additive in frozen ones contain sulfites that can trigger a deadly episode of the condition.

Dried veggies and fruits/snacks get in the way of normal breathing apart from being obviously choking, they can trigger asthma episodes

These fried foods trigger asthma, if you have this condition its better to eat these food baked instead of fried.

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