5 ways to get rid of fat flabby arms

5 ways to get rid of fat flabby arms

You find yourself avoiding sleeveless clothes and being worried about how it appears.

So how do you reduce this stubborn area?

Lifting weights gives you toned muscles and makes your arms appear slimmer. Try these exercises to tone your arms; Bicep curls, overhead presses, , overhead tricep extensions, and upright rows.

The fiber in your diet would certainly help you lose weight. Eat a lot of vegetables, whole grains, and legumes like peas, beans. Fiber is great if you are thinking of losing weight because they make you feel fuller and help you pass waste easily.

Cardio exercises include running, walking and jogging. They help to increase your heart rate. Engaging in cardio is a sure way to help you lose weight in your arms and body.

Eating a lot of carbohydrates would make you gain weight. If you want to reduce arm fat and fat in general then you should cut back on food that contains carbohydrates, especially refined carbs gotten from processed foods.

Drinking a lot helps to lose arm fat. Water increases your body’s metabolism, that helps you lose weight and makes you feel full and satisfied. Drink water instead of carbonated drinks is a sure way to lose those flabby arms.

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