Friday Treat: Uniqlo Cuddle Coats Are Back | British Beauty Blogger

Friday Treat: Uniqlo Cuddle Coats Are Back | British Beauty Blogger

[purchase/affiliate/ad] This is the third year I think that I’ve featured these soft-as-velvet cuddly coats from Uniqlo because I have bought a new one each year since they launched. No wonder they sell so well – they’re the most comfortable, cosy and purse-friendly coats on the market that feel like they’ve been yours forever the moment you put them on. Mine have been worn so much that a new one is required each winter – they’re my dog walking, shopping, going into town, gardening and night out coats so I get an extraordinary amount of wear from each one. I slightly regret gardening in my black one because it had to be thrown out in the end because it was just too tatty. I was in London yesterday and they’d just arrived in stock so I grabbed a slate grey one.


There aren’t any black ones this year – grey is an acceptable option for me (failing my favourite black) but there is a fawn shade and a cream. They go in the machine no problem so it’s probably the only time you can get a cream coat that doesn’t cost you a fortune in dry cleaning. The amazing thing about the fabric is that you are warm literally the second you put the coat on. It’s like instant heating.


See, now I’ve uploaded that picture, I’m tempted by cream as well.


The inside is kind of what you’d expect on the inside of any fleece – almost suedey in feel I’d say and just as soft as the outside.


Despite the fact that it’s such a soft material the ‘tailoring’ element holds up very well – the collar doesn’t go floppy and nor do the pockets go saggy.


I still have this one from last year but to be honest, I don’t like the colour on me as much as I thought I would. I know there was a khaki option that I didn’t buy and then wished I had – they do sell quite quickly. Anyway, I am very happy – if you’d asked me if I’d buy the same coat four times (two black, one fawn and now grey) I think I would have laughed at the question, but here we are and I am (almost) looking forward to the chill so I can wear it. At £34.90 HERE, I feel it’s incredible value for the amount of wear and so, so much comfort!

Non-affiliate is HERE.

PS I know we are due a Beauty Business News – I’m working on it 🙂


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