Effects of stress on your body and mind you should know

Effects of stress on your body and mind you should know

Have you ever felt nauseous in your stomach when anxious? If so, you’ve experienced the mind-body connection. Your emotions impact your body and vice versa. If there is disharmony in the body, your mind will also be disorganized, which will spike your stress levels. Your thoughts impact how your body behaves, so positivity is essential. If you speak negatively, remember that your body is listening. Below are some adverse effects of stress on the body and mind.

The gut and brain are constantly communicating with each other. If you usually feel butterflies in your stomach when happy or feel like you were punched in the gut after receiving sad news, these reactions don’t happen for no reason. Stomach pains can be due to anxiety or stress. So, the next time you have a stomach ache, it may be due to stress.

Stress is a coping mechanism to our life experiences, but if you have trouble coping with stress, you are at risk of being depressed. Chronic stress reduces happy hormones in your brain and dulls your mood. The depression can later escalate to symptoms like loss of appetite, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts.

3. Weakened Immune System

If you want to have a strong immune system, do regular exercise, sleep well, and eat healthily. If your immune system isn’t strong, your body won’t be able to fight off infections efficiently. Stress weakens your immune system, so you should often avoid it.

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