Medical supplies that every home should have

Medical supplies that every home should have

In this day and age, where DIY is the rule of the game, there is so much that we can do personally to keep ourselves in good shape and optimum health.

Here are 5 medical must-haves that I strongly recommend for every home :

Did your Mother have a nylon bag where she kept all sorts of medication when you were growing up? That was your “medicine cabinet” o. 😄

Let me give you a list of medication that should be in your cabinet :

  • Painkillers eg Paracetamol, Ibuprofen & Aspirin (No aspirin for those < 16 years)

  • Antihistamines eg Piriton, Loratadine

  • Oral rehydration salts (for Diarrhoea)

  • Drugs for Indigestion (like Antacids)

  • Anti-diarrhoea meds (like Loperamide)

  • Sunscreen 

The purpose of a proper First aid box is to help treat minor cuts & injuries.

  • Bandages, Gloves & plasters

  • Antiseptic solution & wipes

  • Medical tapes & plaster

  • Thermometer (to check for fever)

  • Sterile dressings & Tweezers

  • Eyewash solution

So for all of you that it is only Agbo (Herbal tea) & Spirit that is in your First aid boxes, you see that there’s a problem?

(3) Blood pressure machine

Have you heard tales of people who were okay one minute, then collapsed & died the next minute? Chances are that they were Hypertensive but didn’t know it.

Hypertension is called “The Silent killer” because it is an illness that can be present but cause ZERO symptoms.

Do you know what can help you keep tabs on your Blood pressure? A BP machine.

(4) Blood Sugar machine (Glucometer)

Diabetes mellitus is another illness that can be present for a long time without the sufferer knowing about it.

It does not have a cure, but it can be managed effectively. This makes a Glucometer a must-have in every home, whether you’re diabetic or not.

A Glucometer is essential to help us check our blood sugar regularly, whether for the purpose of preventing or treating Diabetes.

This is one device that many people might not know about, but it is just as essential as the others especially in these COVID times.

This device is the easiest device in the world to use. You simply attach it to your finger & it will measure both your heart rate & the amount of Oxygen present in your blood. Normal blood oxygen readings should be 95-98%.

So if anyone is finding it difficult to breathe (or is even breathing normally) & this device shows a low value, you know that it is time to take the person to the hospital.

Paying attention to our bodies and taking care of our health is always a good decision. I wish you all good health!

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