Actor Nick Searcy unloaded on an MSNBC analyst after they suggested outrage over Ivy League presidents' failing to condemn anti-Semitism on their campuses was an affront to free speech.

Actor Nick Searcy Hammers Liberal Columnist Whining About Leftists Getting Canceled for Anti-Semitism: 'You Made The Rules, B****'


Actor Nick Searcy unloaded on an MSNBC analyst after they suggested outrage over Ivy League presidents' failing to condemn anti-Semitism on their campuses was an affront to free speech.
Custom: Screenshots – Democracy Now! and DailyWire+ YouTube Videos

Conservative actor Nick Searcy unloaded on Peter Beinart after the MSNBC analyst suggested that outrage over Ivy League presidents failing to condemn anti-Semitism on their campuses was an affront to free speech.

Several top university presidents took the banner of free speech and ran with it during a House committee meeting earlier this month, refusing to condemn calls for the genocide of Jews.

The presidents of Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) repeatedly offered excuses for the racist, often violent rants of left-wing students on campus.

“We embrace a commitment to free expression – even views that are objectionable, offensive [and] hateful,” said Harvard President Claudine Gay. “It’s when that speech crosses into conduct that violates our policies against bullying and harassment. That speech did not cross that barrier.”

Gay was responding to protesters on the campus calling for a “global intifada.”

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University Presidents Under Fire

At the time of this post being written, Penn President Liz Magill had resigned following her testimony before the committee, a move critics celebrated as a notch against ‘woke’ universities letting their students run the asylum.

There was pressure for Gay and MIT President Sally Kornbluth to follow suit.

But Beinart didn’t feel the Ivy League presidents should be criticized or have to suffer the consequences of their actions.

“The campaign to depose the presidents of Penn, Harvard + MIT is a campaign to restrict pro-Palestinian speech on campus,” he wrote on X. “If you support it, please have the decency never to sermonize about free speech, academic freedom or cancel culture again.”

Searcy, best known for his role on FX’s Justified, gently reminded Beinart that it is liberals in this country that set the guidelines for what speech is allowed and what gets you canceled.

“You made the rules about ‘hate speech,’ bitch,” he shot back. “Now you have to live by them. Tough titty.”

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Ivy League Donor: Kids Have ‘S*** For Brains’

Searcy is a frequent critic of liberals on social media, often subscribing to the James Woods School of obliterating the left using their own tactics.

He shredded American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Randi Weingarten after she begged for a “pandemic amnesty” in which people would forgive and forget the actions taken by public officials and commenters during the COVID pandemic.

“This bish ruined more children’s lives than the Grinch,” he countered. “Of course, she agrees with having no consequences for her stupid lies.”

Beinart, meanwhile, likes to parrot anti-Semitic rants made by people like members of the ‘Squad.’ In an interview earlier this year, he cited sources denouncing Israel as an “apartheid state.”

Beinart seems to share a common cause with some Ivy League students.

Students that Leon Cooperman, an American billionaire investor and Columbia Business School graduate, recently described as being just shy of intelligent.

“I think these kids at the colleges have s*** for brains,” he said.

“We have one reliable ally in the Middle East, that’s Israel. We only have one democracy in the Middle East, that’s Israel. We have one economy tolerant of different people, you know, gays, lesbians, etc,” Cooperman said. “So, they have no idea what these young kids are doing.”

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