Anto Lecky on the secrets to longer and fuller hair

Anto Lecky on the secrets to longer and fuller hair

Anto-Lecky’s natural hair is so long and luxurious that you would be inclined to ask if it is her real hair or an extension.

She has a reputable hair care brand known for helping African women maintain their hair (natural or relaxed).

Her hair brand also covers men who want to take care of their beards.

Pulse spoke with her about these and other hair care secrets;

Anto-Lecky, transitioned in and out of the natural look until she made the final decision to go natural.

“It’s been years since I started keeping my natural hair. I believe it is nine years now. I started transitioning to natural hair, after a while I got tired. So, I got a relaxer and relaxed my hair.

“Then I started transitioning again, and finally, I cut off the remaining relaxed ends, and it became fully natural.

“I went back to it because going natural was the in-thing that period and, my friends were doing it, so I wanted to try.

“Also, people always complimented how soft and long my hair was while relaxed so, I wanted to know how it would be while natural.”

I don’t really think natural hair is difficult to maintain per se. The things you should do for your relaxed hair is the same for your natural hair.

“People think a relaxed hair is easier because they are lazy and just pack it in a ponytail or leave it out, but many people with relaxed hair have damaged hair.

“If they took care of their hair the same way a naturalista might, they would have longer and healthier hair too. “

Anto Lecky wanted fuller hair, so she collaborated with a hair care brand that gave her that.

“My haircare brand is actually for all hair types, natural or relaxed hair, it is a partnership between myself and Taries Hair Builder.

“Many people ask me about haircare especially, hair growth. So, I wanted to create a brand that promotes healthy hair growth and, I wanted to create products that actually make your hair fuller!

“So, we have a basic hair growth duo, a shampoo, and a serum.

“A good shampoo like ours is meant to cleanse the scalp making hair growth easier while, a good serum helps to seal in moisture and promotes faster hair growth.

“I have seen much more expensive products than ours – ours is way cheaper. But the price of a product doesn’t matter, I believe one should pay for products that works for them.”

Is your hair natural or are you considering transitioning? Then watch out for part two of this interview where we got to the heat of things, we spoke about wash day routines, styling tips, how to prevent shrinkage plus, and five things every naturalista should have.

Natural Hair Girl is a series that follows a natural hair journey and provides solutions on how to cope with it.

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