Can an Apetamine give you a curvy body?

Can an Apetamine give you a curvy body?

Apetamine is a popular drug that promises to give this curvy, rounded figure. But does it work? ➡️

The main ingredient in Apetamine is a compound we call Cyproheptadine.

Cyproheptadine (also known as C4) is used in treating symptoms of allergy like rhinitis and conjunctivitis. The thing about C4 is that it has been noted to lead to weight gain.

So the truth is that using Apetamine can help you gain weight by stimulating your appetite.

But is it safe in the long run? Let’s find out.

Apetamine is not licensed for use in the US, UK & many other developed countries.

Medication becomes a poison when it is used wrongly. The reason why I say this is because one of the major problems with Apetamine is that it is abused.

Many women who take it misuse it, because they have seen their favorite online influencers endorsing it as a drug that will make them look like Kim Kardashian.

When a drug that is designed to treat allergies is now being used (without proper prescription) as a weight gain supplement, problems are bound to arise. Let’s discuss these problems.

The major side-effect seen in women who use Apetamine is Drowsiness.

Women who have used it also give details of shaky hands, collapsing on the stairs and in the street, ultimately leasing to hospitalization.

Studies are also starting to show that Apetamine can lead to Jaundice and Liver damage in the long run.

This is why top retail websites like Amazon are taking action to remove Apetamine from their websites.

The main danger with Apetamine appears to lie in the fact that It is also being used for the wrong reasons at the wrong doses by many women.

In life, shortcuts tend to cut lives short.

If you want to gain healthy weight, your best bet is to do it the proven way (Check my IG page for my article “Here’s how to gain weight)

No “body goals” is worth your health or your life 🙏🏾

Toluwani Binutu is a Medical Doctor based in the UK. With experience in a wide range of specialties, from Emergency medicine to Health insurance , he is passionate about wellness. He believes that the key to living your best life lies in your ability to stay healthy. For more health tips , you can check out his Instagram handle @tolubinutu

Pulse Contributors is an initiative to highlight diverse journalistic voices. Pulse Contributors do not represent the company Pulse and contribute on their own behalf.

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