
Look at me! Has the digital age succeeded in breeding a generation of narcissists?

Look at me! Has the digital age succeeded in breeding a generation of narcissists?

Social media allows us to share major life events and daily thoughts with friends, family, and colleagues. It makes connecting with people around the world easier, and people who use platforms strategically can develop online followings. However, posting too many photos, including selfies, may have its pitfalls. Over a century …

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How did a green, newbie hedge fund out-play Exxon so comprehensively? | Nils Pratley

In the short history of shareholder activism, the humiliation of the board of ExxonMobil on Wednesday takes some beating. The directors were comprehensively out-played by an environmentally minded hedge fund formed only six months ago that arrived with a stake of only 0.02%. Despite emerging almost from nowhere, Engine No. …

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5 reasons why agbo (herbal mixture) should be preferred to unorthodox medicine

5 reasons why agbo (herbal mixture) should be preferred to unorthodox medicine

Since the introduction of pharmaceutical drugs, Nature’s medicine has been under siege. There is an evergreen urge from pharmaceutical company lobbyists through lawmakers and regulatory bodies, to deprive citizens of the benefits of herbal supplements. This bias conflict is well known in the United States of America. However, down here …

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