Experiencing a burnout? Here's the solution! [Pulse Contributor's Opinion]

Experiencing a burnout? Here’s the solution! [Pulse Contributor’s Opinion]

For you to be experiencing ‘burnout’, it indicates you’ve been working really hard.

Burnout is completely natural and positive and there is nothing to be guilty about.

It is that period when your body and mind gets to Rest, Refill and Return.

So by the time you return, you not only come back stronger. You return with fresher ideas and genuine appreciation for your craft.

Take it like this, ‘Burnout is the phase before unlocking a new level in your creative journey.

However positive burnout actually is sadly accompanied by guilt and anxiety.

The guilt of not being productive and the anxiety of the ‘burnout’ being permanent.

Although that may be justifiable but it does little to dismiss the truth; When going through burnout it is crucial to take some time off.

Selfcare is the ultimate antidote to ‘Burnout. And as weird or unacceptable as this may sound, it’s the truth; On some days, the hours are meant to just pass you by.

Freelance Writer, Pop Culture Critic & Storyteller.

Reach out to me Israelnisola@gmail.com

Pulse Contributors is an initiative to highlight diverse journalistic voices. Pulse Contributors do not represent the company Pulse and contribute on their own behalf.

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