Here are ways to naturally enlarge the male organ

Here are ways to naturally enlarge the male organ

In fact, more men are unhappy with the size of their member than those that are satisfied.

Whilst there is no magic cure, there are ways to get some extra growth/girth and get you feeling better down there.

The average penis size according to researchers as per world’s standards is estimated at 5.1 inches. And anything less than 4.5 inches is considered to be small.

While there are hundreds of advertisements all over the internet that claim that their ‘magic pill’ can increase the size of the penis by as much as 4-5 inches. But the truth is that almost all of them are nothing but a farce. But worry not, since there are indeed ways to increase the penis size using diet tips and specially created exercises.

One great tactic that can help add some inches to your penis are stretching exercises for your penis. It may sound a little odd but it really does work.

Consuming foods that are high in saturated fats and calories whilst being physically inactive can cause your penis to shrink significantly. It can also lead to serious problems with your virility and lead to overall bad health.

Lack of physical activity increases cholesterol in your arteries therefore disrupting the proper circulation of blood in the penis which causes it to shrink. Choosing a healthy lifestyle can drastically help with penis size and health.

Kegel exercises, much like with women, can enhance your muscles if you squeeze muscles in your penis. You can squeeze the muscles on and off, use the same muscle to end it, and begin the pee flow again. You should try for 10 sets, getting a short rest in-between sets, and aiming for twenty or thirty per set.

This exercise is very simple but effective. It will improve hardness and size of your penis.

Ensure that your penis is partially erect and use a lubricant. Hold your penis at the base with your thumb and pointer finger keeping your grip near the pelvic bone. Slowly move your hand up the penis maintaining the pressure. Stop your hand just below the head/gland.

This counts as one jelq and it should take you 2 to 3 seconds to do 1 jelq. This help in pushing the blood towards tip of the penis and will not cause any pain. Repeat the process for a few minutes and do consistently if you want to see a significant change.

Smoking is the worst enemy of your total reproductive health. Not only is smoking proven to shrink penis size, but it can also lead to a decrease in testosterone causing a lot of other hormonal imbalances that can cause shrinkage of the penis.

Tiny particles from the smoking block the arteries thus damaging the healthy flow of blood to the penis as well as to all other parts of the body.

For your penile and overall health, ensure you stop smoking NOW.

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