How to cope with traumatic events

How to cope with traumatic events

Just like physical injuries, trauma leaves scars, and although they might not be physically present, they significantly affect the victim in several ways. The most common trauma symptoms can include feeling numb, anxious, angry, confused, shameful, hopeless, and suicidal. Others include fatigue, insomnia, poor appetite, and high blood pressure. Trauma can take a toll on its victims, but it is important not to let it consume you. Below are some ways to deal with trauma.

If you experience a traumatic event, don’t be afraid to open up and share your pain with people you are comfortable with. Sharing your tragedy and how you’re feeling can lift some of the weight off your chest. Yes, it can be challenging, but it would pay off eventually and help you cope with the trauma.

The emotional pain of trauma may never entirely go away, so you may need counseling. An experienced therapist should be able to help you constructively process your feelings at a slow and steady pace. A victim of a traumatic event often experiences disturbing thoughts or feelings, and therapy can help with that.

3. Meditation and exercise

Meditation helps you reach within yourself and establish a greater sense of inner peace. In fact, meditation has been proven to reduce symptoms of PTSD significantly. Put away all your gadgets and take a mental-health moment. Find a quiet place to meditate, take deep breaths and fully embrace the healing power of the quietness around you.

Regular exercise can also help reduce the stress associated with trauma by aiding the secretion of hormones in your brain that regulate your mood. In addition, exercise helps you shed unwanted pounds, which boosts your self-esteem and uplifts you.

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