How to Live a Meaningful Life

How to Live a Meaningful Life

How to Live a Meaningful Life (with Pictures) - wikiHow
Meaningful life
  1. Have a sense a purpose – That is, something which gives you a reason to get out bed, and meet each day with expectancy.

2. Prioritise meaningful relationships – These are relationships with people you enjoy, who accept you as you are, and who make life feel worthwhile.

3. Build into the lives of other people – Through being helpful, warm and interested in others, and their needs.

4. Be authentic, genuine and express yourself – We need to have the freedom to be who we really are, and to enjoy being natural, and to discover our true self.

5. Be adaptable and changeable – For nothing stays the same. That’s part of the adventure, and it helps us stretch and grow.

6. Accept that life’s a journey, and we need to be courageous, to be patient, open, hopeful and resilient.

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