How to lose the belly fat gotten during the holidays

How to lose the belly fat gotten during the holidays

I come bearing good news on how to reduce the belly fat you are gaining or gained over the holidays.

Walking helps you to burn calories and you won’t even feel like you are doing strenuous exercise.

Once you eat a big meal, you are not supposed to go lay down. Walk around. Talk about a walk.

Drinking a lot of water has been linked with increased weight loss. It reduces your calorie intake especially if you drink water before meals.

It also increases your metabolism and helps you burn fat faster.

You have used the holidays as a cheat out of your diet. Now it is time to get back or at least mix the unhealthy foods with something healthy.

The high fibre in vegetables has reduced calories and filled you up quicker.

Lastly, you are going to have to hit the gym at some point.

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