Is less actually more? Five benefits of a more minimalist life

Is less actually more? Five benefits of a more minimalist life

However, we seem to live in a culture where we feel pressured to buy stuff. To fill our homes with stuff. We are lured into shops by promotions and discounts, just like we are enticed in to buy the latest mobile phones through state of the art adverts, encouraged abroad with pictures of sunshine and deserted beaches, or coaxed into online casinos with no deposit bonuses. Society leaves us constantly wanting more. But what if less was actually more?

Minimalists focus on doing more important things in life, like spending time with their family, doing the things they love and trying to be free of stress. They walk away from materialism and consumerism, letting go of their inner compulsion to buy new things.

Here we look at five ways you could benefit from jumping on the minimal bandwagon and focusing on the joy of living with less.

It should come as no surprise that having less clutter leads to less stress, with many studies concluding that chaotic environments can cause tension and spiked cortisol levels.

Having less desire to buy stuff can also lead to less anxiety. The desire for the latest pair of ‘on trend’ shoes comes from mostly social and superficial cues. Even if you can’t afford the shoes, you buy them on your credit card, accumulating debt. This debt then becomes a stressor in itself. It is a vicious cycle, which keeps going round and round until you stop buying things you do not need.

If you don’t have the desire for keeping up with the latest trends, and can feel content with what you already have, focusing on the more important things, you will be free of the anxiety that comes with buying material things.

Less time spent cleaning is a big plus to a minimalist life, and a big draw for many looking to convert to minimalism. Statistics suggest that Brits spend over 200 hours a year cleaning. Why not bring this figure down? By owning less, you will be cleaning less, which means more time for things that are productive and important.

By buying more, you’re giving yourself more things to clean, therefore you’re creating your own discomfort. Instead, determine what’s really worth your time and energy, and you can use this newfound freedom to practise self-care, learn a new hobby, hang out with loved ones or just for pure relaxation.

Probably one of the most appealing benefits to living a minimalist life is being free of financial stress and saving money. Without the desire to buy things you don’t need, you can save money for things that truly make you happy, like experiences, travel and loved ones.

You can also declutter and sell things that are not valuable to you. Go around the house looking at all your belongings, and figure out which ones you don’t use, or which ones you don’t like, and sell them. As Marie Kondo says in her book: “Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy.”

A clean and clutter-free environment can be beneficial for both your physical and mental health. As mentioned above, having more material desires can cause more stress and anxiety, and this can impact your mental and physical well-being.

High blood pressure, sleep disorders, headaches, digestive problems and muscle tension are just some of the effects of anxiety on our bodies. So, why not try to cut back on this stress by cutting back on what you have?

As well as the benefits to yourself, by being a minimalist you’re also benefiting Mother Earth. By owning less stuff, you are helping to reduce waste and landfills. By having less electrical appliances, you’re using less electricity. By buying less things, you’re decreasing your carbon footprint. Having respect for the place we live should be more important than our materialistic desires.

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