Lovely video of Davido and Chioma sharing a kiss in Qatar

Lovely video of Davido and Chioma sharing a kiss in Qatar

Nice. Happy that Chioma is getting back on her feet after such a terrible loss. I just hope that this her wandering naked penis can understand that he took marriage vows which entails promising to be faithful to our wives. Hope that he will not go and break the poor girl’s heart all over again by impregnating another woman before Chioma gets pregnant and after her disastrous loss. She has been through so much and does not need that kind of hassle to increase her pain. No problem with polygamy but when you make a woman believe that your body and soul belong to only her and expect her to keep those same vows but then you go around chooking her property inside different women, well, it breaks a woman’s heart each time until there is nothing left to break. So, if we know that one woman cannot reach us, please let us do full disclosure and find woman that will agree to share penis from the onset because no sane from woman that got there first will like that. It is usually the amoral ladies that you commit adultery with that don’t mind polygamy and even those ones will prefer to have man all to herself unless she is a Pentagon (stayed too long outside) or wants your money. If roles were reversed and your adultery partner was your wife, she will also attempt to kill you for cheating on her.
So think well before you go and lie to your woman on the altar with fake vows that you do not intend to keep because she believes those vows 💯. At least give her the option of choosing to marry you or not if you know that you cannot keep those vows because it is that changing of goal post in the middle of the game that results in car chase or petrol and matches. Marriage can be like two chickens in a coop— man is cock and wife is his chick. If you allow sly fox (side chick) to enter your chicken coop to startle your main chick that never hesperred it, you can be sure that there will be plenty of blood and feathers.

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