Natural Hair Girl: 5 ways to prevent your natural hair from shrinking

Natural Hair Girl: 5 ways to prevent your natural hair from shrinking

Although shrinkage is a sign of healthy hair, it makes natural hair unkempt and difficult to style.

African hair naturally shrinks but, washing your hair and, the humidity in the environment contributes to the shrinkage.

There are some methods to straighten your natural hair.

The best way to avoid shrinkage begins with washing. Before washing your hair, divide it and make twists out. Wash your hair with twists. Don’t worry, using twists doesn’t mean your hair won’t get washed properly. It keeps it detangled and stretched.

There are many techniques that help you stretch out your natural hair, these techniques also protect your hair. Twists out, braids, banding and using threads is a natural way to bring your hair to its full length.

The natural hair community is strongly against this because they feel you should only use natural hair products on your hair, but they are some pros to this and that is the fact that it does stretch out your hair while maintaining some curls. Using texturizer also makes your hair easier to manipulate, comb and pack

Now using an all-natural product on your hair can be risky, but this step is easy. Break a coconut and use the water in it as Uan after wash to straighten your hair. Just pour it into your hair, massage it deeply and wash it off after about 20 minutes.

Anti-frizz products help you smoothen and elongate your natural hair. Anti-frizz products straighten your natural hair and prevent shrinkage.

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