Natural Hair Girl: Familiar challenges and grooming basics

Natural Hair Girl: Familiar challenges and grooming basics

Once I started keeping natural hair, I was hooked because I loved the texture but, I faced a lot of challenges and these are some of them.

One day, I went to make cornrows in a saloon and, the hairdresser perhaps, thinking I didn’t understand Yoruba said, “Even if they pay me money, I cannot keep natural hair.”

I almost rolled my eyes to the back of my head thinking, “Aunty, who asked you?”

Fortunately for her, my hair is really soft and, she had no problem manipulating it.

If your hair is particularly tough, just know you will be charged more for your braids and when the hairdresser is attempting to comb your hair, get ready for a headache.

Some days, I want to save myself from the stress, especially when I want to plait it at night before sleeping.

I often think “What sort of trouble is this? If I see the next relaxer, I will just use it.”

Other times, especially when I am about to comb my hair, the idea of cutting it all off just feels so appealing.

Because of how curly my hair is, it keeps shrinking and looking shorter.

I go online and see ladies with their natural hair reaching their backs and when I look at the mirror, I wonder who I ever offended.

Getting the best products gives your hair the required sheen and, sometimes this costs a lot of money!

A couple of times, I would go to a store and see a product I like, when I check how much it cost, I respect myself and put it back on the shelf.

Understanding natural hair mumbo jumbo

It is almost like going to school. There are a lot of terminologies like shrinkage, curl type, deep conditioning, deep moisture that will have you confused.

So why don’t you just relax it? you say, well as I said earlier, I love the texture of my natural hair.

I wanted to find out if I was the only one struggling and get good tips, so I spoke with Mary Jane, a natural hair groomer of over four years about her frustration and how to maintain her natural hair.

“I think keeping natural hair needs to come with a lot of patience. Let’s not even talk DIY (Do-It-Yourself).

There was this time I wanted to deep condition with Avocado and Olive oil. You know those brown things that look like thread in avocados, for a week, I went around with those in my hair.

“For someone like me who is always looking for more money, I buy a lot of products. I buy my products one at a time and as I need them.”

She says buying products is non-negotiable.

“Because if you need to see changes in your hair, you must be ready to spend money.

Buy products and be religious with them, Do a monthly check to see if they are working. Good hair products actually work but, you need the basics and, then you need to understand your hair too.

The basics are a good shampoo, Conditioner, Leave in conditioner or moisturizer, Hair butter and Hair oil. Once you have these you are good.”

This series follows a natural hair girl’s journey and gives tips for a better and longer natural hair.

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