Natural Remedies: How to remove stretch marks naturally

Natural Remedies: How to remove stretch marks naturally

Based on preference you might be self-conscious of your stretch marks which may be there naturally or caused by pregnancy or weight gain.

If you are overly conscious of your stretch marks there are certain simple home made remedies you apply on your skin to fix it.

Aloe Vera is a very medicinal plant. It helps to repair dead skin cells and heal scars. Scrape the gel off the Aloe Vera leaf and massage it into the skin.

Leave it for 20, 30 minutes and then clean it off with a warm cloth. Do this consistently every day.

Sugar exfoliates dead skin cells and they are also able to absorb moisture.

Sugar rubbed around the areas helps to heal broken skin, it also doubles as a hydrating scrub.

Mix a small cup of sugar with half a cup of coconut oil. Coconut oil keeps skin elastic because it possesses collagen.

Rub in a circular motion for 10 minutes and wipe with a clean cloth.

Eggs contain amino acids with are essential in repairing damaged skin and help to reduce stretch marks.

Break your egg into a bowl and add two tablets of Vitamin E. Whisk it together.

Apply on the area affected with a foundation brush.

Having your stretch marks gone will improve your confidence. You should know that stretch marks cannot be gone totally, they can only become less visible.

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