Schwartzkopf Live Pillar Box Red On Dark Hair | British Beauty Blogger

Schwartzkopf Live Pillar Box Red On Dark Hair | British Beauty Blogger

[unpaid/sample/affiliate/ad] Honestly, it was really on a whim that I decided some redness was needed in my hair. I emailed the PR to ask if there was any point in trying an actual dye rather than a temporary spray on my dark hair. Whilst we could have a rough idea of what the result might be, there’s actually no real telling until the deed is done. I kept my expectations low but actually, am really, really delighted with the result.

Schwartzkopf Live Pillar Box Red On Dark Hair

My hair is a) too long, and b) is a mix of grey, light brown and dark brown – my Josh Wood dye has almost gone. I’m like everyone – very much in need of a hairdresser. But, if there is any time to experiment, it’s now, knowing that all will be rectified within a month (I have an appointment on 13th April) if needs be. I’m a bit tired of cutting my own fringe and those very variable results but otherwise, have enjoyed having a lot more hair than I usually would. I think my hair is the longest it has ever been which, in the grand scheme, is little to complain about.

Schwartzkopf Live Pillar Box Red On Dark Hair

In the pack you get a tube of colour, two sachets of conditioner (I didn’t use them) and a pair of gloves (I used my own). I am nowhere near brave enough to do my whole hair so opted for a couple of shy streaks. I literally thought I would have two sort of downward stripes of red but no! This is not how hair works – the moment you brush it out, you realise that the neat stripes you had wrapped up in foil after carefully applying colour with a brush don’t stay in the one place – they sort of diffuse into ‘areas’ rather than strips. Which turns out to be absolutely fine – and also proof I have no future in hair styling.

Schwartzkopf Live Pillar Box Red On Dark Hair

So this is a close up of how it came out and how it looks in sunshine – below is how it looks in just normal light.

Schwartzkopf Live Pillar Box Red On Dark Hair

You can see it as well in the Emma Hardie post HERE. So it’s a kind of burgundy red colour in shade that lights up to a more vibrant red in sun. I am very happy! Schwartzkopf Live Pillar Box Red is £4.79 HERE at Boots, non-affiliate HERE. Obviously, patch test first (a tiny dot behind the ear), wear your oldest clothes, have foil handy, cover everything with plastic sheeting and be generous with the product. If you have light hair, you need to check the back of the box for expected results. My advice would always be to do a small streak first before going the full pillar box.

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All products are sent to me as samples from brands and agencies unless otherwise stated. Affiliate links may be used. Posts are not affiliate driven.

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