Skincare Secret: How honey gives clear skin

Skincare Secret: How honey gives clear skin

Using honey on your skin has many benefits and helps to maintain a glowing complexion.

Honey is a natural miracle elixir produced by bees and stored in hives. Bee keepers take these hives and extract honey from it.

Natural honey is made by enzyme activity, bacteria and, plant matter, all joining forces to make what we know as honey.

Honey applied topically (rubbed) on the skin has many benefits,

  1. Raw honey helps to clear acne and, other skin conditions eczema, psoriasis and Candida overgrowth. Honey treats acne by offsetting the bacteria on your skin.
  2. Honey also helps with the healing of scars, eczema and other blemishes by reducing inflammation. 
  3. Raw honey exfoliates the skin by getting rid of dirt, dead and dry substances on the skin. These exfoliating properties that honey possesses also help to brighten the skin. 

Rub raw honey on your face/skin or dilute with a little water.

Wash it off with a towel.

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