Skincare Secrets: The best ways to deal with hyperpigmentation

Skincare Secrets: The best ways to deal with hyperpigmentation

How can you have an even toned skin and brighten dark spots easily?

Hyperpigmentation refers to a skin condition where a part of your skin is darker than the rest.

Hyperpigmentation is caused by things like acne scars – the result of the inflammation that comes from constantly bursting pimples.

It can also be caused by some medications like birth control pills and hormonal imbalance.

Constant friction can also cause hyperpigmentation. An example of this is your thighs rubbing against each other, your armpits and your arms, bra straps being too tight.

However, the major cause of hyperpigmentation is excess exposure to the sun.

So you notice that some parts of your body are darker than others. What do you do?

Sunscreen helps to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. It is important to use sunscreen or lotions that have SBF 30.

You need a good facial cleanser to get rid of whatever dirt is on your face. Dirt causes bacteria and bacteria leads to acne and hyperpigmentation.

Cleansers also help to lock in moisture in your skin.

Contrary to popular belief. You need three essential ingredients for a good moisturizer, humectants like aloe vera, hyaluronic acid and glycerin pulls moisture into the skin.

Occulsives like dimethicone, lanolin and mineral oil and emollients like lipids and oil help in trapping moisture and softening skin.

Following these three routine of applying sunscreen, cleanser and moisturising will have you well on your way to a more even toned skin.

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